Member Info
A Letter from the President
Dear Neighbors and families of KHA,
I hope this letter finds you and your families well. I am pleased to announce our new Board of Directors and their respective positions. Ernie Bascuas, President; Zuriel Carbo, Vice-President; Migdy Moya, Treasurer; Joe Logan, Recording Secretary; and Danny Miranda, Corresponding Secretary. It is an honor to represent YOUR community. We are excited to get to work on bringing in innovative ideas to create a more connected and active community for us all. While also staying true to the history and character that has made our community an amenable and desirable place to live.
We have had many new homeowners volunteer and join one of our many committees. For those who have volunteered, thank you! Our Board's number one goal is to create a greater sense of community, that will inspire a culture for every one of you to get involved in and around our community. We ask each one of you to please reach out with your feedback, ideas, and/or concerns.
I am very happy and grateful to neighbors who have already stepped forward to continue community traditions at Kendale Park such as Movie Nights with Food Trucks, Yoga Class in the Park, Community Bike Ride and The Village of Kendale's Halloween and Christmas Golf Cart Parades. We hope to expand our parades to Kendale South and KCCE. Volunteers are the foundation of this great Kendale Community Association and we appreciate all those that step up to make these events the wonderful success they are.
Your support and involvement are critical in achieving our goal of making KHA a more connected and active community. We ask you all to please get involved in supporting OUR beautiful KHA community!
We look forward to a great year seeing you around the neighborhood!
Ernie Bascuas
President - KHA
Laws and Covenants
The state of our neighborhood depends on our knowledge of our rights and our willingness as a community to defend them.
November 6th, 1967 was an important day for all the residents in the Kendale Homeowners Association area. On that day, a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants was filed for the first phase of the Kendale South subdivision. In the next two years, similar protective restrictions were filed with Miami Dade County for Kendale South Section 2, Parts 1,2 and 3 as well as Kendale South Part 3. These residential covenants outline a set of rules to protect the integrity of our community. The contents include specifications on dwelling size, quality, water supply, and even guidelines for livestock and poultry. They help keep our neighborhood looking and functioning the way it has for over 40 years. One of the most important parts of our covenants is the stipulation that what is now the land where the golf course is “…may only be used for a golf course” and what is now the Killian Palm Country Club “…may only be used for the designation of a country club…” for 99 years (until at least 2066.) Not everyone agrees that this is the best use of this land, and there have been several efforts in the past to rezone and develop these properties into more homes. In fact, the most serious threat lasted from 1976 until 1984 when the land was sold to a party that made several attempts to overturn the covenants, rezone and sell the property to developers. The new owners shut down the golf course and let the grass and weeds grow for years. In March of 1984, those landowners hired a public relations firm who mailed out brochures to 418 homeowners offering cash for their signed waivers to rezone the land in order to accommodate 215 tract houses. Fortunately, many of our residents, led by the Kendale Homeowners Association, successfully fought these efforts until the landowners gave up on their mission to overturn a part of our covenants. These documents are posted on our website as a service to all who are protected by them. If you are not familiar with them, please take some time to read them. Whether you live in the Village of Kendale, Kendale Country Club Estates or in Kendale South, we undoubtedly all agree the golf course should remain a golf course versus new homes, condominiums or apartments.